Every year individual ring in the new year by making resolutions. Statements of “This year I resolve to…” Businesses should start the year with goals and plans. So let’s look at a couple Resolutions you could make for how your business uses the internet to engage your customers and improve your productivity.

This year I resolve to…

…Reconnect with a long lost friend

Getting re-engaged with old acquaintances is actually a pretty common one. So what are some ways that you can re-engage with past clients? Email is a great tool, if you have addresses for customers.

  • Tell them what is new in 2019.
  • Invite them back with a special offer on a product or service that is complimentary to what they had previously ordered.
  • Offer them tips and advice on how to make the most out of a purchase they previously made.

These are all great ways to stay engaged and keep your past clients engaged.

…Loose Weight

Probably the most common of resolutions and often the first one forgotten. People always want to get back to being lean and mean. It’s not a bad idea for businesses to look at how they can operate more efficiently. Here are a couple ideas.

  • Use services like Zapier to automate steps within your workflows
  • Use communications services to create automated email and text campaigns to follow up with your customers and keep your prospects engaged in the process.
  • Use Cloud services to make it easier for your team to find records, digital materials, and communicate with one another so they can perform at their best.

You may not loose the weight you put on over the holidays, but there is no reason you can’t make your business more effective and efficient.

…Quit Smoking

Everybody has that pesky habit that they wish they could put behind them. Businesses are no different. They have processes that take longer than necessary. Take a look at your business and figure out where you can find some time.

Some industries average 1 hour and 20 minutes PER DAY on smoke breaks per employee (https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/you-wont-believe-the-staggering-amount-of-time-wasted-on-workplace-smoke-breaks). Just think of what you could add back into your work life if you find ways to be more effective with your time.

  • Create fresh content for your website
  • Utilize social media in your marketing plan
  • Update more customer records in your CRM
  • Cure Cancer
  • End world hunger

2019 is here. It’s time to update the copyright date on the footer of your site and to make sure that all of your date form fields have the right year options and the correct defaults. Hopefully you have a technology partner to help you make the most of your digital footprint. But if you don’t and want to talk about how any of the ideas above can be put to work in your business. We’d love to talk.